Nursing Programs
Research nursing programs and transfer opportunities between Alberta post-secondary institutions

Start a Nursing Career
Learn about the many ways you can train to become a nurse in Alberta. Program options are developed to give students choices in what, where and how they want to study.
There are several types of nurses, and a variety of nursing training programs, making it important for you to research your options until you find the one that's right for you. Post-secondary institutions work together to design training programs that give you flexibility and choice in your learning options.
There are 4 types of programs for professional nurses in Alberta:
- Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), which requires a two-year diploma for entry to practice.
- Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN), which requires a diploma (2.5 years) at minimum for entry to practice.
- Registered Nurse (RN), which requires a bachelor’s degree in either a Bachelor of Nursing (BN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN).
- Nurse Practitioner (NP), which are Registered Nurses with additional clinical, masters-level education and training.
Please note there are also allied health professions, such as paramedics, diagnostic imaging technologists, medical laboratory technologists, medical radiation therapists or respiratory therapists, which might be of interest to you. Visit OCCinfo to research these options.
- Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
- Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN)
- Registered Nurse (RN)
- Nurse Practitioner (NP)
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
LPNs serve individuals, families, and groups, assessing their needs and providing care and treatments as appropriate. They work collaboratively with other members of the healthcare team. LPNs contribute to Alberta’s healthcare system through a wide range of practice areas including acute care, seniors’ health and wellness, long term care, community, primary care clinics, education, occupational health and safety, public health, and leadership (CLPNA).
Required Education
Requirements to enter practice as a LPN are a two-year diploma and a minimum of:
- 750 hours of theoretical instruction
- 900 hours of clinical / lab experience
Regulatory Body
LPNs are registered and regulated by the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta. The College requires LPNs to pass a Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Exam within their first year of work.
Opportunities for Further Education
LPNs could study to become a RN.
The Post-LPN Bachelor of Nursing program at Athabasca University helps you segue from a LPN to RN eligibility. It’s a 120-credit degree – 30 credits for LPN coursework and 90 credits for course work (some credits may be awarded for other previous coursework). Some students can receive up to 45 transfer credits towards their course work, depending on their prior education.
Alberta Institutions Offering LPN Programs
Practical nursing programs are offered by these Alberta post-secondary institutions:
- Bow Valley College Practical Nurse Program 5 term, Online for Rural Alberta, Internationally Educated Nurses,
- Columbia College
- Keyano College
- Lethbridge Polytechnic, Refresher
- Medicine Hat College (program also offered at Brooks Campus)
- NorQuest College
- Northern Lakes College
- Northwestern Polytechnic
- Portage College
- Prairie College (collaborative with Red Deer Polytechnic)
- Red Deer Polytechnic
Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN)
RPNs are specialized nurses that care for their patients’ mental and developmental health. RPNs are regulated nurses used only in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Yukon. Other Canadian jurisdictions use Mental Health Nurses or RNs with specialty training in mental health.
Required Education
To practice as a RPN in Alberta, you need to earn a Psychiatric Nursing Diploma or Post-Diploma Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing.
Regulatory Body
The professional association governing RPNs in Alberta is the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Alberta. Successful completion of the Registered Psychiatric Nurse Regulators of Canada Examination (RPNRCE) is required to register with the College.
Alberta Institutions Offering RPN Programs
The Psychiatric Nursing Diploma and Post-Diploma Bachelor of Psychiatric Nursing programs are both offered by MacEwan University.
RPNs with a diploma or degree can become dually licensed as a RN upon completion of additional education available through the University of Alberta’s BScN.
Registered Nurse (RN)
RNs work with patients to determine their health needs. They can specialize in areas such as surgery or pediatrics by taking other training programs after they earn their degree. Being a RN can also bring leadership opportunities, for example, some community health centres in Northern Canadian communities are run by RNs.
Required Education
To practice as a RN in Alberta, you need to earn (at minimum) one of the following undergraduate degrees:
- Bachelor of Nursing (BN)
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) – note: not the general Bachelor of Science (BSc)
There are 3 collaborative nursing models across Alberta that may allow you to complete your nursing degree through a public college in a local community.
Pathway options, such as applying your LPN education or another degree to RN programs of study, are also available.
Regulatory Body
RNs are registered and regulated by The College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA). As of January 2015, all graduates of nursing programs must also pass The National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX-RN) in order to practice.
Opportunities for Further Education
RNs could take post-diploma programs to specialize their skills. Registered Nurses interested in graduate nursing studies that are clinical in nature can pursue Nurse Practitioner master-level training. Alberta universities also offer graduate level education to train leaders, instructors and researchers in Nursing.
The Post-Registered Nurse (RN) diploma Bachelor of Nursing program at Athabasca University is intended to ladder current diploma-trained RNs into the baccalaureate program.
Alberta Institutions Offering BN Programs
BN programs are offered by these Alberta post-secondary institutions:
- Lethbridge Polytechnic*
- Medicine Hat College(collaborative with the University of Calgary)
- Mount Royal University
- University of Lethbridge*
*Lethbridge College and the University of Lethbridge are in a collaborative arrangement for the delivery of the university’s BN program in Lethbridge.
Alberta Institutions Offering BScN Programs
BScN programs are offered by these Alberta post-secondary institutions:
- Northwestern Polytechnic (collaborative program with the University of Alberta)
- Keyano College(collaborative program with the University of Alberta)
- MacEwan University
- Red Deer College(collaborative program with the University of Alberta)
- University of Alberta(including bilingual and Honours degrees, and onsite at Keyano College, Northwestern Polytechnic, and Red Deer College)
- University of Calgary(on campus and onsite at Medicine Hat College)
Other Degree to RN Pathway Options
These programs are for students who have completed a degree in a non-nursing discipline. Specific courses, such as in anatomy, physiology, microbiology or statistics, may be required of applicants, as well as a specific admission grade point average (GPA). Check program details below for more information.
- Lethbridge Polytechnic(6 semesters, collaborative with the University of Lethbridge)
- University of Alberta(6 semesters year-round, available in Edmonton and Camrose)
- University of Calgary(6 semesters year round)
- University of Lethbridge(6 semesters, collaborative with Lethbridge College)
Nurses from Outside Canada
Internationally-educated nurses seeking registration through the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA) are typically required to complete a 1-year Bridge to Canadian Nursing program offered by Mount Royal University.
Depending on your prior nursing experience and education, CARNA may recommend you take one of these programs (or some of their courses):
Nurse Practitioner (NP)
NPs are nurses with graduate-level education that are trained clinically.
Required Education
To become a NP in Alberta, applicants must:
- Be a RN with 4,500 hours of clinical nursing experience
- Have additional education, such as a master’s degree in Nursing
- Pass the NP qualification examination in the nurse's practice area, such as all ages, adult, pediatric or neonatal
Regulatory Bodies
The College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta assesses admissibility, registers and regulates this province’s NPs. The professional association for NPs in Alberta is the Nurse Practitioner Association of Alberta.
Alberta Institutions Offering NP Programs
The following institutions offer this type of graduate programming:
- Athabasca University - Master of Nursing: Nurse Practitioner
- University of Alberta - Clinical Master of Nursing (Adult or Family/all ages)